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The clamshells below are simply a preview of our larger collection.

Specimen: Tridacna giganteus
Geological Period: Pleistocene - 200,000 years ago
Origin: Kenya (Africa)

Clamshell #3: L: 36.2in, W: 21.2in, H: 10.6in - 161.3 lbs

Clamshell #7: L: 29.1in, W: 20.5in, H: 11in - 127.8 lbs

Clamshell #8: L: 32.3in, W: 16.5in, H: 7in - 67.4 lbs

Double shell #17: L: 45.3in, W: 26.8in, H: 23.6in - 539.2 lbs

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Clamshell #18: L: 41.3in, W: 26in, H: 12.6in - 283.5 lbs

Clamshell #19: L: 41in, W: 22.4in, H: 12.2in - 315 lbs

Clamshell #20: L: 33.8in, W: 22.4in, H: 11.8in - 176 lbs

Clamshell #33: L: 34.6in, W: 22.4in, H: 11.4in - 164 lbs

Clamshell #38: L: 40.5in, W: 23.6in, H: 11.8in - 248.2 lbs

Clamshell #39: L: 36.6in, W: 26.3in, H: 12.9in - 240.3 lbs

Double shell #43: L: 51.1in, W: 31.4in, H: 23.6in - 776 lbs

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